Shattered Lives (The Shattered Series Book 1) Page 9
“Nice car, what happened to your BMW?” she asked.
“I have more than one car. Why am I here?”
“What’s the Emergence Project?”
“I don't know what you're talking about.”
“Don't play me, Tim. You know all of Tami's project.”
“Tami and I have tasks we work on separately. Therefore, I'm not privy to everything she does.” Tim knew all about the Emergence Project but there was no way in hell he would acknowledge it to her. It's a multi-departmental endeavor between marketing, acquisitions, and IT. It’s confidential, only a few people have knowledge of it.
Ramona leaned closer to Tim until she was less than three inches away. “Why should I believe you?” she muttered, her upper lip turned upward.
Tim stared into her eyes. He thought of how she’d manipulated her way into his life and turned it into pure hell. There was no way he could be anything but hostile towards her. “I don’t give a damn what you believe! You are nothing but a Mexican whore whose only talent is being on your knees!” Tim felt the sting from Ramona’s slap across his face. He moved his hand to his face and felt the burn across his cheek. In one smooth motion, he raised his arm upward. He envisioned grabbing her by the neck. Before he could lay a hand on her, Ramona blocked him with her hand. “I think you’ve forgotten who’s in charge here,” she said, in a menacing voice.
Tim lowered his arm.
“You’re a rich party boy who’s accustomed to getting what he wants,” she continued. “I can only imagine how hard it is for you to have someone else in driver’s seat. You need to get used to it because if you EVER lay a hand on me…” a wicked smile appeared on her face, “you know what will happen.” Ramona exited the car and Tim immediately pressed the door lock button when it closed. She knocked on the passenger side window and motion for him to lower the window. She rested her arms on the door and leaned in.
“What is it, now?”
“People like to lump everyone with certain last names into one ethnic group. Just so you’ll know for future reference, I’m not Mexican. Never been to Mexico and I can barely speak Spanish. I was born here in the United States. I have a Caucasian father and a Puerto Rican mother.”
Tim watched as she walked into the bar. So much for taking a gentler approach. Nonetheless, the meeting was not a complete waste. He learned new information he could give Gordon.
Ramona’s latest mission, to find information on the Emergence Project, has been a complete fail. She didn’t believe for one minute Tim was being truthful, so the first chance she had she skimmed through all of his correspondence and couldn't find a thing. The following morning she woke up tired and out of sorts. Maybe it was due to the mental workout she had given her brain, her mind was continuously racing about the mysterious Emergence Project. The other culprit was Chad, he called all night, and she ignored every one of his calls. After the third one, she strongly considered blocking his number. Because of her lack of sleep, she wasn’t in any mood to work. She called Tim to tell him she was sick, and he advised her to take as much time off as she needed. Although she could hear a sigh of relief in his voice, Ramona assured him she would return the next day. She was happy to have a day away from double T. Tim and Tami. She was sick of their pretentious stuck up attitudes. They walked the halls believing they were better than everyone else. It’s because they drive around in nice luxury cars, have big beautiful homes that some people can only dream of, and a bank account full of money that makes them better than everyone else. If you don’t possess the material things they have, then you’re beneath them. Ramona loved her neighborhood. Yes, it’s plagued with crime and gang activity, but it's home to her. It’s the only home she’s known from the moment her mother left her on her grandmother’s doorstep. The area is worse now compared to years ago, but she hasn't had any problems. No one has a problem with her and she doesn’t have a problem with them.
Her objective for the day was to relax and binge watch her favorite reality shows. There was a knock on the door right when she pressed the play button on the remote, she turned the volume down on her television. “Who is it?” she yelled towards the door from her couch.
Janice was her next-door neighbor. There were four apartments on each floor and they stuck Ramona with Janice. She's loud, has parties late into the night, and has accused everyone of flirting with her ugly boyfriend, Jackson. The women are not friends, they essentially tolerate each other as neighbors. Ramona unlocked the door. She found Janice with bruises covering the left side of her face. “Ramona, I need your help,” said Janice, with panic riddled in her voice.
“Help with what?” asked Ramona, rolling her eyes.
“It's Jackson, he came home drunk again, and we had a fight.”
“Came home drunk?! It's eleven in the morning, what...”
“I don't mean to cut you off but can I come in?” Janice body trembled as she looked over her shoulder.
“I'm sorry Janice, but I'm tired of you bringing your drama to my door. Last time I let you in after a fight with Jackson, you had the police over here and Jackson gave me death stares for a week.”
“Ramona, please! I need to use your phone to call the police. Jackson took mines and I want them to get him out of my house.”
Ramona looked Janice over and she appeared more shaken than ever before. “Come in.” She allowed her to use her phone and wait at her place until the police arrive. Twenty-five minutes later the police took Janice’s statement and Jackson was once again arrested. They would eventually release him the next day. Only for her to allow him back home and continue the cycle.
After all the drama with Janice and the police had ended. The morning had come and gone. When Ramona checked the time, it was 1:30 in the afternoon. Hungry from the day’s events, she ordered a medium pepperoni pizza from the local pizzeria down the street. Once they delivered it, she fixed herself a plate, sat down to watch an episode of The Housewives of Wherever. With the remote held tightly in her hand, she placed a finger over the play button. Before she could move her finger further, there was a knock on the door. Ramona threw the remote across the room. The one day she takes off, people can't stop knocking on her door. “Who the hell is it?” she screamed.
“Rhonda.” Ramona jumped up, put down her pizza and ran towards the door, frantically unlocking it. “Rhonda!!! Get in here, girl. Where have you been? I've been calling you for months. I spoke with your mama two weeks ago and she said she didn't know when you were returning from Miami.”
“I got in three days ago. I've been staying over at my boyfriend's house. I thought I would come by and surprise you,” said Rhonda.
“I took today off for a little peace and quiet, but I must be Miss Popular today because people keep coming to my door. Janice was here a few hours ago.”
“Did she have another fight with Jackson?”
“Yeah. Ever since the day, I found her outside her door bruised and battered and brought her over here to call the police. She now comes to me all the time. Out of all the people in this apartment building, she knocks on my door,” said Ramona.
“Y'all always arguing about her loud music. At times it so bad that someone has to step in between the two of you.”
“I know, but I’m glad to see you. I need your help with something that requires your special skills.”
“Whatever you need, Mona.”
“Well, since you were kind enough to use your computer talents to get that information on Tim Lansing, I need your help with something totally different.”
“How different?”
“I need to get confidential information off of someone’s computer without their knowledge.”
“I have a program that will give you access to that person’s computer. You can view, change or delete whatever you want. It’s undetectable. All you have to do is install it on their computer using a flash drive. But, you must install a version that will allow ac
cessing their computer on yours.”
“Does it matter if I use it on my work computer or home?” asked Ramona.
“You could use it on either. Personally, I wouldn’t use my work computer for spying.”
“Girl, you are a genius,” Ramona said proudly. “You need to get a real job, you can make a lot of money with your expertise.”
“Nope, I'm good. I like the freedom. Besides, my clients pay well. I would never charge you, my best friend. Everyone else pays a premium price.”
Ramona smiled at the thought of someone who genuinely appreciated her friendship and doesn't think she’s a calculating, manipulative bitch. She wasn't always the bitch people thought she was. Life and circumstances changed her. “Rhonda, is this program a computer virus? I want nothing like that.”
“No, it’s not a virus. Most viruses hijack the computer and steal information. What I have is exactly how I explained it. An undetectable program that allows you to view and make changes on a remote computer.”
“That's exactly what I need.”
“Whose computer you want to spy on?”
“You know who.”
Rhonda frowned. “I realize how you feel about her. I don’t agree, but he was your father, not mines.”
“You and my aunt believe Tami is innocent in all this, but she’s not. She’s the reason I’m alone.”
“Mona, you’re not alone. You have me and your father’s side of the family.”
“I know, but I still blame her.”
“I’ll leave it alone. You’re entitled to your feelings.”
After catching up and watching television together, Ramona became restless and needed to get out of the house. “Let's get out of here and go somewhere we can eat and throwback some shots.”
“You just had a pizza. You’re still hungry?” asked Rhonda.
“Yeah. Let's go to Cabana. We can have wings or a burger and listen to live music. It’ll be fun.”
“I don't know, Mona. I have nothing to wear and my hair is a hot mess.”
“That’s easy to fix, I have something you can wear. You’re a bit smaller than I am, but I'm sure I have a dress that can fit you and I’ll touch up your hair.”
The ladies dressed and within the hour they were out the door. When they arrived at Cabana’s, they found a full parking lot. Ramona forgot Thursday was amateur night. Anyone who believed they possess the slightest amount of talent could perform. When they walked in a guy was on stage singing a sad country song. They sat at a table across from the bar and order a platter of hot wings. The women talked while they enjoy the performances. When Rhonda got up to go to the restroom, a tall slender woman with long black hair promptly sat in her seat. “May, I help you?” asked Ramona, who eyed the woman suspiciously.
“Hi, I'm Tricia. I was waiting for your friend to leave so I could speak with you.”
“About what?” asked Ramona.
“I know this will sound strange but I've been watching you...”
“Whoa, let me stop you right there! I'm not into women. I'm not saying anything is wrong with it, but that's not my thing.”
“Oh, you thought I was coming on to you! No, it not like that at all. May I start over?”
Ramona nodded yes for her to continue.
“I’m CEO of a company that currently has an opening. Based on what I see, you’ll be a tremendous asset and the job pays well.”
“What type of business is it?”
“We provide a service for an exclusive clientele and a gorgeous woman as yourself could make top dollar. Let me give you my card and when you have time, call me.”
She handed the card to Ramona and walked away. Ramona smiled to herself as she read it. “What’s with the smile?” asked Rhonda.
“You won't believe what happened while you were in the restroom. That lady at the bar, the one with the long hair in the purple dress,” said Ramona, pointing towards the bar. “Well, her name is Tricia. Evidently, she has an escort service or something of that nature and she tried to recruit me.”
“Wait a minute, she tried to recruit you and you didn't tell her where she could stick her card.”
“No. I gave her pass because I might need her services down the line.”
“Huh? I don't understand.”
“You’re not supposed to. Just watch and learn.”
Feeling tired and exhausted from a long day at work, Tami wished she hadn't promised Alexis she would meet her at the gym. She would rather have a tooth pulled than exercise. She found it boring and mundane, Tami was only doing it to support Alexis in her weight loss journey. Ten pounds is what she had said she needed to lose before she appeared in her sister's wedding as a bridesmaid. Tami entered the gym and saw Alexis had already started on the treadmill. She placed her bag in an available locker and took her place on the treadmill next to Alexis.
“Hey, I’m glad you made it. I had to get a head start, I only have three weeks to lose this stomach,” said Alexis,panting heavily. “I wish I was blessed with the ability to eat what I want and not gain a single ounce.”
Tami realized that was a dig at her, Alexis teased her constantly about her thin figure.
“I have to watch my figure like everyone else. I can't help it if I have a good metabolism,” she replied, playfully.
Tami continued to huff and puff her way through a workout in a desperate attempt to keep up with Alexis’ pace on the treadmill. It was just not happening. Alexis was doing a strenuous hill challenge and all Tami could muster was a slow stride. After ten additional minutes, Tami couldn't take it anymore she got off and suggested they relaxed in the sauna.
Afterward, they caught a bite to eat at the deli next door.
“How’s the project going?” asked Alexis, placing her tuna wrap combo on a table near the front window.
“The Emergence Project? It's coming along. I have to present what the team has tomorrow.”
“Who’s on the team?”
“I have people from marketing and IT. They’re doing all the hard work, but I'm overseeing it. If anything goes wrong, it's my butt on the line.”
“The project is about streamlining acquisitions, right?” asked Alexis.
“Somewhat, it's a tad complicated to explain. Honestly, I don't know why this wasn't taken care of before opening.”
“Maybe it's because they rushed everything. First, we would open in a year, then it changed from six months to two months and finally four weeks. It’s been total chaos.”
“You’re right. We definitely could’ve used additional time.”
“Not meaning to change the subject, but how is it working with Ramona?”
“What makes you think I'm working with her?” asked Tami, puzzled by the question.
“She’s always in your meetings or coming out of your office.”
“Ramona only attends the meetings with Tim and that's at his request. She’s also friends with Suzette.”
“Don't you think that's weird? Why would a person Suzette's age want to hang out with someone in their twenties?” asked Alexis.
“I don't know,” replied Tami, irritated by the questions. “Maybe, they have something in common. The real problem is you don't like her, for whatever reason. Yes, she's a little rough around the edges and sometimes rude, and she and Tim have a weird relationship. However, she's an okay person.”
“You like to see the good in everyone. I don't trust her. Something is off.”
“You told me to watch my back with Tim and he’s great. So, I'm not listening to you.”
“How’s Josh? Have you chosen honesty or do you plan to continue to lie to him?”
Tami narrowed her eyes at Alexis. She doesn’t understand what’s gotten into her lately. “What kind of question is that?”
“It’s one you need to think about. I’ve never been married, but I know lies can destroy relationships.”
“Alexis, I appreciate your concern, but I’ve got this handled. You of a
ll people, know the struggle and pain I’ve gone through. You’re being unfair by urging me to be honest with Josh.”
“I’ve been where you are.” Alexis shifted her eyes downward. “My ex-boyfriend lies ruin our relationship. If he were only honest with me, we would still be together.”
“You can’t compare a relationship with a boyfriend to a marriage. Stop pretending you understand my situation because you can’t. Do not bring this subject up again!”
“I can’t promise you that. I’m your friend and my job is to always tell you the truth. Josh is one of a kind, men like him don’t come around often. If you’re honest and tell him everything, I promise you he will understand.”
Tami stood and gathered her purse and gym bag. She looked Alexis squarely in the eye. “This is my marriage, not yours! Our friendship has boundaries and if you continue to cross it, you’ll find yourself with one less friend.” She didn’t give her a chance to respond before walking out of the deli. Tami knew she meant well, but this was her marriage on the line and she would not allow Alexis to pressure her. The one thing on her mind was going home, she looked forward to a nice quiet evening reading a good book with a glass of chardonnay. Josh was out of town and won’t return until morning. For a while he stopped going on the road, he wanted to give her the time she needed before she was alone in the house again. For the most part, she has gotten past the anxiety of being alone but sometimes it’s the small noises at night that woke her. There were times she was so frightened she called her mom to help calm herself down. Carol reassured her that the noises she heard was the house settling and there's nothing to be afraid of. Unfortunately, that doesn't soothe Tami's nerves.
As Tami got closer to home her cell phone rang. After the fourth ring, she let it go to voicemail. She was not in the mood to talk. A few seconds later the phone rung again, Tami didn't answer. After the third phone call, she picked up her phone to see who was calling her. It said "unknown", she normally didn't answer unknown calls but someone was trying hard to reach her.