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Conned by You Page 14

  The phone had reached its fourth ring when Justin picked up. “Hello.”

  “Justin,” a whispered voice on the other end said.

  His eyes narrowed as he focused on the voice. “Hello. It’s hard to hear you.”

  “Justin, it’s me. Ava.”

  “Ava?” His eyes darted towards Blake as he stood.

  “Keep her on the line,” said Blake, as he snapped his fingers towards Cameron, who sat on the opposite side of the room. As they conferred, Justin focused on the call. “Ava, baby, where are you?”

  “I don’t know,” she said between sobs. “There aren’t any windows. I know I’m on the bottom floor of a house he’s renting. It’s sort of like a basement.”

  “Brandon? He has you, right?”


  “Listen, I need you to remain strong because I’m coming for you. I’m working with the best people to find you.”

  “You better hurry. We’re driving to Nevada and from there he wants to leave the country.”

  “Shit!” He turned towards Blake. “He’s leaving for Nevada.”

  “We’re tracing the call. Stay on the line as long as possible,” said Cameron.

  “Ava, can you hear any outdoor noise? Like a train or airplanes flying above.”

  “No. He’s lost his mind, Justin. He has me chained to a bed and keeps talking about removing you from my life.”

  He closed his eyes and sighed. The thought of him hurting her caused his pressure to rise, but because she’s fearful, it was up to him to give her the strength she needed. “I promise I’ll find you.”

  “He said this time he won’t let me go.” Her sobs intensified to a gut-wrenching cry.

  “Sweetheart, hold on to the fact that I love you, and I will find you. We won’t allow him to win. He didn’t last time, and this time is no different.”

  “I love you, Justin. More than anything.”

  That hit him straight in the heart. A tear fell from the corner of his eye. “I know you’re scared. Just hold on a while longer. I’ll give you my word he won’t get you past the state line.”

  “Hurry, Justin.” Long pause. “Oh God, he’s back!”

  “Ava! What’s happening?”


  “Ava! Ava!” Justin shouted into the phone.

  “Where’s the phone, Ava?” Justin heard Brandon’s voice.

  “What phone? What are you talking about?”

  “Don’t fuckin’ play with me!”

  Justin placed the phone on speaker at the sound of Ava’s screams. “You better not hurt her, you piece of shit!” Justin yelled into the phone. His eyes darted towards Blake and Cameron, who both remained focused on the phone call.

  “I assume I’m speaking with Justin,” said Brandon.

  “That’s right, you sick son of a bitch! You know this is between us. It’s time you stop going through Ava to get to me.”

  “I’ve told her many times you don’t love her. You treat her like one of your many possessions. A pretty thing you’ve chosen to show off. The problem is she refuses to let you go, so it’s up to me to force her.”

  “Release Ava and we’ll settle this like men.”

  “You bet we’ll settle this. I have an offer.”

  “I don’t make deals with the devil.”

  “You’ll want to make this one. Two million for Ava’s life.”

  Justin fell silent and glanced at Blake, who made hand gestures for him to keep the conversation going. “I need time to liquidate that amount of cash.”

  “You have until two this afternoon.”

  Justin glanced at the time. It was nine in the morning.

  “Check your text. It’ll have an address. Come alone. If I suspect the police are with you, I’ll kill her. Don’t think I won’t do it because I rather see her dead than with you.”

  “No police,” said Justin. “I’ll come, alone.”

  Brandon hung up the phone.

  “Did you trace the call?”

  “We got a general area, not an exact address. Do you believe he’ll kill her?” asked Cameron.

  “To spite me, yes. That’s why we can’t notify the police. This guy doesn’t play with a full deck, so we must take his threats seriously.”

  “You’re not thinking of taking Brandon on alone, are you?” asked Blake.

  “No. I don’t need the police when I have you two.”

  Blake and Cameron glanced at each other.

  “Okay, here’s the plan,” said Blake.

  Chapter Thirty-two

  Lindsey doesn’t recall what led to her hospital stay. Her last memory was her fight with Ava, and even that memory is a partial blur. Her doctor had said memory loss is common with a concussion. Thankfully, hers was on the mild side. Besides the daily migraine she must endure, she was on the mend. She prayed the doctor would release her soon because her nails were horrid, and her feet were a nightmare.

  “Lindsey darling, there is someone here to speak with you,” said Elizabeth, moving closer to the bed.

  She turned over. “Tell them to go away. I’m not in the mood for visitors.”

  A short red-head man stepped past her mother. “I’m sorry, but this isn’t a social visit. I need to ask you questions regarding the disappearance of Ava Sinclair.” The short man flashed a badge in her face.

  Lindsey sat up and fluffed her hair with both hands. “Officer…”

  “Detective Gray,” he snarked.

  “Detective Gray, I’ve been in the hospital for a week. How could I possibly know anything about the disappearance of anyone?”

  “Sir, what does this have to do with my daughter?” asked Elizabeth.

  “We have reason to believe Brandon Porter has abducted Miss Sinclair. He was in police custody awaiting trial in Atlanta, Georgia for crimes committed against both Ava Sinclair and Justin Harrington, until your daughter bailed him out.”

  Elizabeth’s head snapped towards Lindsey. “What is he talking about?”

  Lindsey didn’t break eye contact with the short stature detective. She glared at him without a blink of her eye. “When did bailing out a friend become a crime?”

  “Is that the guy I saw at your house? Justin said you were mixed up with him.”

  “Mom! Zip it!” Lindsey rolled her eyes and settled them back onto the detective. “I’m aware of my rights, and I don’t have to say another word to you without my lawyer present.”

  Detective Gray returned a glare before turning to Elizabeth. “Mrs. Meyers, is there anything you would like to add?”

  She lowered her gaze and shook her head. “No.”

  “Very well.” With a slow reluctance in his stride, the detective exited the room.

  Elizabeth turned to Lindsey. “What have you gotten yourself involved in?”

  “I know nothing about Justin’s fiancée’s disappearance.”

  Her mother moved closer to her bedside with her jaw tight, and her eyes narrowed in obvious anger. “What about this Brandon guy? Is he responsible?”

  Lindsey shrugged. “No… I don’t know. Maybe.”

  Elizabeth released an exasperated sigh. “Lindsey,” she lowered her tone. “I’ve lost count of the many mind-boggling choices you have made in the past year. First, came your involvement with Chris months after your on-again-off-again relationship with his son.”

  “I told you my involvement with Justin was just sex. Nothing more. I loved Chris, and he loved me.” Her eyes watered, followed by fallen tears. “He broke every promise he made to me.”

  “That was the biggest mistake of your life. You’re twenty-six and he’s near sixty.”

  “So, what? Daddy is twice your age.”

  “Honey, your relationship with Chris was doomed from the start.” She handed Lindsey a tissue. “He devastated your heart, so you wanted payback.”

  She wiped her eyes. “I wanted him to hurt the same as he hurt me. I went along with his stupid plan about the baby because he promised he would marry me. O
nce his business with daddy fell through, I became the scapegoat.”

  “Your father felt betrayed. He and Chris have been friends for years. This mess has caused a rift between Corrine and me. We haven’t spoken since she’s returned to town.”

  “Chris hated that old hag, and now he’s back with her. It isn’t fair.” She released more tears and blew her nose.

  Elizabeth patted her leg and sat beside her on the bed. She moved the hair from Lindsey’s face with a delicate stroke of her finger. “I wrestled with telling you this, but I think you should know.”

  “Know what?” she asked, noticing the seriousness in her mother’s voice.

  “It’s about Chris.” She pressed her lips together. “He’s in ICU.”

  Lindsey sat up at full attention. “Where? Here?”

  Her mother nodded her head. “I’m not privy to all the facts, but Tom learned Chris had emergency surgery and he might not make it.”

  It worked! She thought about the anguished the Harrington family was going through and it brought a smile to her face. However, a small corner of her heart ached about the possibility of Chris dying. She only wanted to cause him pain and not give him a death sentence.

  “Let’s get back on track,” said Elizabeth. “What did you do?”

  Lindsey came out of her thoughts and pushed back any feelings of remorse. “I thought the best way to hurt Chris was through his family beginning with his son. I bailed Brandon out because I wanted him to destroy that nauseating couple, Justin and Ava. I didn’t care how he did it as long as he invoked gut-wrenching pain that required years to recover. As far as Chris…”

  Elizabeth held up her hand. “I’ve heard enough.” She retrieved her phone from her purse.

  “Who are you calling?” asked Lindsey.


  “Your assistant? Why?”

  “To book a flight for two to the Swiss Alps.”


  “How does a week-long retreat at the spa sound?”


  “I’ll have your father get you released today. You and I will be long gone by the time that detective come snooping around here again.”

  Lindsey smiled with a lift in her brows. “I like how you think, mom.”

  “And if we have to extend our stay, that’s what we’ll do until this entire debacle blows over.”

  Chapter Thirty-three

  At two in the afternoon, Justin arrived at the address Brandon had texted to him. He parked his car in the empty parking lot and glanced towards his left at an old, abandoned warehouse. It appeared to have been an airport hangar at one time. He exited his car and entered the warehouse with a tight grip on a black, leather duffel bag. His eyes searched the open space. Ava was nowhere in sight.

  “I’m here without the police. I’m all alone!” he yelled, his voice echoed throughout. Justin listened for a hint of a sound. Nothing. His hands rested below his waist as his jaw tightened in frustration. Asshole is playing games! When he turned to walk out of the abandoned building, he heard footsteps from behind. He craned his neck to the right, and from a dark corner, Brandon emerged. His eyes shifted towards Brandon’s side. The sight of that nutcase dragging Ava with his gun pointed into her ribcage made his heart dropped.

  “Are you okay?” Justin asked, meeting Ava’s eyes.

  She nodded. Her face soaked with tears.

  “Don’t talk to her!” shouted Brandon.

  Justin glared at him. “I have your money. So, let her go!”

  “Not so fast. Prove you’re unarmed.”

  “I am.”

  “I’ll make that determination. Unbutton your shirt.”


  “Unbutton your goddamn shirt!”

  Justin dropped the bag and did as Brandon requested. He unbuttoned his polo shirt and held it open to show he didn’t have a gun tucked into his waistband.

  “Remove your shoes and roll up each leg of your jeans. Nice and easy. One at a time.”

  Justin once again did as instructed. Once his unveiling satisfied Brandon, he placed his shoes back onto his feet and buttoned his shirt. “Satisfied? I’m unarmed. Now, will you let her go?”

  Brandon’s eyes darted towards the black duffel bag. “I assume that’s my cash.”

  “It is.”

  “Unzip it and kick it over this way.” He nudged the gun towards Ava’s stomach, causing her to scream. “Don’t be a hero. Just unzip the bag.”

  Justin knelt and opened the bag with a smooth glide of the zipper. It revealed a pile of money. The top half of the bag were bundles of one-hundred-dollar bills, and the bottom half were bundles of mostly blank paper. Justin stood and kicked the open bag towards Brandon. He then moved his attention to Ava, who continued to cry and trembled with a gun jammed against her. A continued rage surged through his body as he witnessed the woman he loved in agony. He wanted nothing more than to plummet the asshole to death for causing her such anguish.

  “Is it all there?” Brandon asked, with his head tilted downward with a greedy smile.

  “Every penny of two million dollars.”

  “For the first time, your money will go to a good cause.”

  Justin’s eyes trailed Brandon’s every move, and his hand formed a tight fist when he pulled Ava to the ground so he could sort through the stacked cash.

  “It’s all there!” shouted Justin. “I kept my end of the deal. It’s time you do the same and let her go.”

  “Not a chance.” Brandon stood, forcing Ava with him. “I didn’t come all this way to leave empty-handed. She belongs to me, and nothing will stop us from leaving together.”

  Justin released a deep breath as his rage intensified. He weighed his next move in his mind. “Our deal was Ava’s life for two million dollars. She wants nothing to do with you, so why force her? Take the money and leave the country as planned.”

  “No deal.” Brandon revealed an arrogant smirk. “Not without the woman I love. She’s got it in her head you love her, but I know better. Time away from you is all she needs to move on.”

  Justin had enough of the back and forth with a psychopath. He had what he thought was the two million dollars, therefore it was time to save Ava. He charged towards Brandon with no plan in mind, causing him to move the gun from Ava’s side and pointed it straight at him.

  “Back it up, playboy! Now isn’t the time to play a hero.”

  Justin relented with a lift of both hands in the air. He took two steps backward. Brandon extended his hand outward with the gun pointed further at Justin. His stare was dark and cold, and his expression showed he had lost his patience. With his focus solely on Justin, Brandon removed his hold on Ava. She dashed towards Justin, causing Brandon to snatch a lock of her hair from behind, dragging her back towards him.

  Ava’s screams ripped through Justin’s soul. He never expected Brandon to take the money and hand over the woman he’s obsessed with. Justin had counted on Brandon double-crossing him, but he had now grown tired of his stalling. He had to save Ava, so justice could give Brandon what he deserved. “Get your goddamn hands off of her!” Justin shouted as he moved closer towards Brandon.

  “You better step back, or I’ll shoot her right here, right now! I rather see her dead than trapped in a life with you.”

  Justin kept his eye on Ava, who had terror in her eyes. He couldn’t agitate him further and put Ava more at risk. He had to gain control and calm the situation. “I’m done with the games, Brandon. You have what you asked for. So, let’s end this.”

  “Listen here, rich boy! I know you’re used to calling the shots, but I’m running this fuckin’ show.” Brandon placed a smug smile on his face and glanced to his side at Ava. “She’s mine, and tonight we’re leaving together.” He draped his arm over her shoulder and pulled her close. “It’s time you two said goodbye.”

  “Brandon, no. Just take the money and go,” said Ava.

  “Not without you.” He planted a kiss on her fo
rehead. “If you refuse…” His gun traced the outline of her jaw. “I won’t let you be with him.”

  Justin swallowed hard and kept his eyes on Ava. Brandon was losing it with every minute that past. “I’ll do whatever it takes so that she lives.”

  “I’m glad you feel that way because we can’t share a life if you’re alive. She’ll spend her time thinking of ways to get to you, and I can’t allow that. I’m sure you understand.”

  “I’ll gladly give my life for her.” Justin kept his eyes on Ava, hoping she understood.

  “No!” shouted Ava. “Justin, don’t do this!”

  “I need you to trust I know what I’m doing.” They held a fixed stare as if one were reading the other’s mind.

  With a slow resolve, the fear in her eyes melted. She then turned to the evil by her side. “Brandon, I don’t love you anymore, I love Justin. He’s the man I want to be with, not you!”

  He jerked Ava’s arm and pressed the gun against her stomach. “You don’t mean what you’re saying. He’s brainwashed you by filling your head with lies about me.”

  Justin inched closer towards Ava, while Brandon kept his focus on her.

  “We didn’t have any problems until he slithered into your life. You and I were on the verge of figuring things out and trying to repair our relationship. Don’t you remember that?”

  “Do you know what memories are burned into my mind? Let’s start with Justin in that hellhole you kept him in for two months, or the gun you pointed at my head because you couldn’t face what you’ve done. There’s no way in hell I will ever be with you again!”

  Brandon leaned into Ava’s ear and screamed. “I gave you everything, you ungrateful bitch!”

  Justin rushed towards Brandon and punched him dead in the jaw. That caused him to release Ava from his grip. Before Brandon could gain his composure, he landed two additional blows to his face. Justin then turned around and Ava jumped into his arms. He didn’t have time to relish the moment like he imagined, because the barrel of Brandon’s gun nudged into his back.

  “It’ll be okay, trust me,” he whispered into Ava’s ear. Justin turned to face Brandon, forcing Ava behind him. “Just let us walk away.” He took two steps backward with a firm hand on Ava, blocking her from Brandon.